Sunday, January 18, 2015


Tuesday is the beginning of chemotherapy. We have never felt so excited. I'm sure there are not too many people out there who are excited to start chemotherapy but it's funny how you want things you can't have—even if they are not fun things. As we've been gearing up for this next six months (this time for real) chemotherapy is suddenly less abstract than it has been. Still, we feel prepared to go through with it. It's not going to be fun, but we are ready to face it head on.

Sarah Kay went in for surgery to get a port installed so she doesn't have to get an IV every chemo treatment (they can access the port located just under her skin). She also went in for another CT scan so we can see what the cancer looks like just before treatment. That way, we will know how effectively the chemo is working.

With chemo just two days away, old emotions are finding their way back into my life. There are lots of unknowns. It takes some guts to face a situation and accept whatever will happen. We've prepared ourselves as best we know how. We improve the things we can control and pray for the strength to accept the things we cannot. We are positive and optimistic.

Tomorrow is cleaning day. We want everything to start off clean so that she doesn't get sick while her immune system is compromised.

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